
Barn to Mosque Charity Tin Drive

21 July 2017
Barn to Mosque Charity Tin Drive

Alhamdulillah, our "Barn to Mosque" fundraiser has been very successful, with many parents already returning their charity tins. May Allah reward all of you who so generously donated towards having the mosque built.

You may imagine our surprise upon opening one of the returned charity tins and finding the incredible amount of $5,720 neatly rolled and stacked up in many notes and coins inside. MashaAllah, it is absolutely astounding how this huge amount could fit into such a small tin. May Allah reward the anonymous donor and shower you and your family in blessings and wealth. Ameen!

If you have not yet returned the charity tin which was sent home for each College family at the start of Ramadan, please hand it in to the office next week, inShaAllah.

Whoever deposits in the bank of Allah, will have their investment multiplied and returned in measures that will not only benefit them in this life, but most importantly the next.