
Site Safety and Security

Updated July 2023

There has been an increase of students being picked up early from school. As we have now secured our site, the early pick up of a large number of students creates significant logistic issues for the College.

Last Friday, we had to announce the names of about 20 students that had to leave early. When a student does not come to the office, we send a staff member to search for the student and bring them to the office. As you may be aware, making announcement over the PA system detracts from the learning environment.

The College will be making the following immediate changes:

  • Early pick-ups will only be allowed when there is an emergency or a medical appointment that cannot be made at an alternative time.
  • Parents will not be allowed on site to pick up students unless they have called the office to make a prior arrangement.
  • Any parents that have been allowed on site for an early pick must wait in the office reception area until their child arrives. Please do not wait outside the building.

In addition, the Primary building, classrooms and learning environments are strictly staff, student and authorised persons zones only. With recent security arrangements, we are working hard to make the school a secure site.

Please note the following arrangements:

  • If your child arrives late, parents are not allowed to take their children to the classrooms.
  • Our classrooms have external doors. Please ask your child to proceed to the classroom door and knock on the door for late entry.
  • We encourage parents to attend the Primary assembly every morning. Please leave the school site promptly once the assembly is finished.