
Islamic Storytime Contributes to Time Capsule 2040

6 August 2018

Islamic Storytime contributed to the City of Whittlesea’s “Time Capsule” which is due to be reopened in 2040. The Children’s names and ages were included in the children’s artwork which will be digitally stored for decades.

Islamic Storytime Contributes to Time Capsule 2040

Islamic Storytime continues to be a popular program for mums & bubs both from within our school community and the local community, now held every Friday morning during the school term starting 8.30am.

If any students or parents would like to include a letter, poem or story in the Time Capsule please drop it off at the office and attention to Ms. Gulhan – Time Capsule.

Islamic Storytime Contributes to Time Capsule 2040

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