
Primary Islamic Quiz

12 May 2016

The Islamic Studies Department of the Junior School would like to warmly invite you to attend our Primary Islamic Quiz, where students from Years 4 to 6 will be participating:

Primary Islamic Quiz
  • Where: Junior School Assembly Area

  • Date: Thursday, 19th May 2016

  • Time: 8.40am – 10.20am

We will have Year 4 to 6 students present during the Islamic Quiz and warmly welcome any parents willing to be present as audience. However, please ensure that your child/children maintain in silence as to not disturb the concentration and focus of our Quiz participants.

Please note that due to time restrictions, Hifz students are not participating in the Quiz event.

  • Mehanaz Ali Islamic Studies Mehanaz Ali

    Mehanaz Ali

    Mehanaz Ali

    Islamic Studies