
2023 School Fun Run

1 March 2023

We will be holding our annual School Fun Run and Sports Carnival as a major fundraising event on Tuesday, 21st March to raise much needed money for our PE programs.

2023 School Fun Run

Please mark Tuesday, 21st March 2023 in your calendars. We'd love to see many parents, family and friends attending in their child/children’s house colour (blue, green, red or yellow).

About the Program

The School Fun Run is all about Fun! Your children will get to come on the day and run with their fellow classmates, friends and students... sometimes even the teachers get involved! This will be one of the most exciting days on our school’s calendar, with everyone’s participation the aim, so please make sure they attend on the day and cheer the other kids on!

How Does My Child Fundraise?

Firstly, Everything to do with your fundraising revolves around this page.

Students who raise just $10 will be able to choose a prize! The more they raise, the better their reward – don’t forget to check these out in the sponsorship form! We have educated students on the dangers of door knocking without supervision, and we encourage you to reiterate this at home. The great thing about online fundraising is that you can share the link to your child’s profile with friends and family via email, SMS and Social Media.

Online Fundraising

The easiest way to help your child raise money is through online fundraising, where students raise an average of $120. On top of raising more money, it’s also safer and easier than doorknocking and you don’t have to worry about handling money!

Ordering Prizes

Prizes MUST be ordered between 22nd March and 15th May 2023. Simply log into your Profile Page between these dates. Then click on the ‘CLAIM YOUR PRIZE’ button and follow the prompts. If you have any questions, please contact the School Fun Run team on 1800 FUN RUN and they will gladly assist!

  • Daniel Saleh Head of Health and PE Daniel Saleh Send email Read profile

    Daniel Saleh

    Daniel Saleh

    Head of Health and PE

    Daniel Saleh studied Physical Education/ Health at RMIT for 5 years. His interests are being physically active, eating nutritious foods, exploring new sites and learning new things.

    Daniel joined Al Siraat Collage in 2012 and has established our Physical Education department. He organised sports days, fundraisers, walk/ride to school days, inviting famous sporting players to Al Siraat and getting involved in interschool sports. He has also started an after school soccer program called "One Ummah, Soccer Academy of Excellence".

    He is enthusiastic, energetic, competitive, and a caring and respectful teacher. Daniel promotes appreciation of school among students and to take Physical Education as a privilege of learning in a fun and practical way. The goals, which he strives towards, are to pass on his knowledge to future generations so they can use and apply what they have learnt in school and the future.

    When Daniel was at High School, his Physical Education teacher was very highly respected by all students, parents and teachers, and was a great role model, which influenced him to become a Physical Education teacher himself. Creating a safe and positive environment for students to enjoy school and encourage them to always try their best at anything they do is a goal that he will try to accomplish to the best of his ability.

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